Mystical Markings – The Art and Craft of Marked Deck of Cards

The book Mystical Markings provides an in-depth look into how to mark and examine a deck or playing cards. The technique used by Boris Wild to mark cards has evolved into an art. It is a great way to conceal layers of deceit or to rescue you when your tricks fail.

The ideal deck of marks should be easy to read without appearing to be gimmicky. The marks on the deck must be large enough to read.


A marked deck is the single most powerful tool a magician could ever have. It enables you to accomplish amazing feats that wouldn’t have been possible without it. It is crucial to understand the symbols used.

The cards’ symbols have an extensive time of mysticism and divination. The arrows symbolize the four major castings. Swords and cups represent the king, priesthood, and agriculturalists. Sceptres and rods signify the agriculturalists.

Another important symbolism element is the thirteenth. This number has been a source of mystic reverence for decades and has been associated with many mysterious events like the demise of a King and the birth of a child as well as the prediction of future events.

Marked cards are dangerous when played in games of cards. Do not play with marked cards in the game of social interaction, especially in which money is involved. You could be snubbed in the event of cheating. It could also create friction within the group and spoil the experience of your audience. The best time to use a marked card deck is when you are performing magic with cards in which the secrets are presented in a creative manner.


Marked decks are one of the most popular tools used by card magicians. A marked deck is a set of cards that have secret markings on the back of each card that let you know the suit and value of any particular card without having to look at the card’s face.

Marking systems on playing cards have been in use for quite a while. The earliest methods used bends, crimps and small pinprick bumps reminiscent of braille script on the backs of cards to mark them. The Hustlers also used a variety of pigments, inks, and scratch marks.

Later, decks featuring codes were made. They were designed to make them difficult for people to understand. Drummond Money-Coutts Pioneers Playing Cards, which are adorned with coded letters, which show C for Clubs and H for Hearts as well as S for Spades and D for Diamonds as well as other symbols, are a good illustration. There were also coded markings on the Orbit series by Chris “Orbit” Brown which includes a circular pattern on the backs of cards.

Tom Phoenix’s Phoenix marked decks are the most recent innovation in marked decks. These are gilded on the card backs and designed for card workers with the goal of making the markings as invisible as they can. These were recently improved by another stretch goal. The decks include an accompanying DVD created by Jon Armstrong and Rick Lax to demonstrate various tricks with these cards.


While symbols can have a profound effect on our lives, their meanings may alter with time. For instance the swastika was seen as a symbol of luck, but it has since been viewed as a symbol of hatred and division. The rainbow flag has earned acceptance as a symbol for the LGBTQ community because of its wide-spread use in social movements and activism.

Some mystical images have been used to incite religious rituals, and invoke feelings like peace, happiness and love. Other symbols have been used for protection or to invoke the spirits of people who have passed away. The media representation also helped some magical images become more popular. For example the pentagram is the most commonly used symbol for witchcraft and magic.

However, there is no proof that proves that a mystic crucifix improves intuition or gives you psychic abilities. If you do own a cross, then you ought to be proud of it as it demonstrates your natural intuitive and have deep connection to the spiritual world. You can develop your intuition by utilizing it when making choices. You can also practice divination using tarot or palmistry. A mystic-cross could indicate an occult witch in circles.


Certain magicians are wary of using marked cards due to the fear of being taken in. However, it is similar to any other trick used in card magic. If you’re careful about when and how you use your deck and selective about the tricks that you use it with, there’s a good chance that none people watching you be able to tell that the deck has been marked. It’s also essential to ensure that the marking system you choose is easy to read, and that the deck looks relatively normal. One good example is the Orbit series created by Chris “Orbit” Brown, which uses a simple circle design on the opposite sides of the backs of cards to create the marking system.

Pioneers Playing Cards are another fantastic example. They show the suit of the card, with the letters for each suit: C for Clubs (Clubs) for Clubs (Clubs), H for Hearts (Hearts) as well as S for Spades (Spades) and D for Diamonds. The fifth edition DMC Elites also comes with an Optical Marking System, which makes it easy to identify the card from an oblique distance.

While a marked deck isn’t required for all kinds of card tricks, it can possess some essential functions and can be used to perform feats of magic that can’t be accomplished using an ordinary deck of playing cards. It’s a fantastic tool for magicians. If you’re interested in learning how to use a marked deck There are plenty of great books on the subject. The most popular is Hidden in Plain Sight (2005) by Kirk Charles and Boris Wild and Ted Lesley. Working Performer’s Marked Deck Manual (1983) provides some great ideas as well.